Green Benefits of Solar Energy

Most of the world's current electricity supply is generated from fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. These sources all have well known and notorious challenges, including unpredictable, spiraling prices, national security concerns about dependence on foreign oil, nuclear power worries and environmental concerns. Renewable energy sources such as solar have now emerged as practical and financially desirable alternatives and are generally unlimited in availability.  In New Jersey alone, there has been a 400% growth in commercial solar installations since 2008. 

Solar power generation has several advantages over other forms of electricity generation:

  • It’s clean.

  • You reduce your carbon footprint, and every 250 kW solar installation takes the equivalent of 198 tons (395,300 lbs) of CO2 out of the air for each year of operation.

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions as each 250 kW solar installation is equivalent to taking 24 cars off the road every year.

  • Each 250 kW solar installation is equivalent to the beneficial effect of 5,900 trees/yr

  • There is no coal ash, nuclear waste, mercury or any by-product associated with fossil fuels or nuclear.

Solar energy is sustainable, provides electricity indefinitely, without depleting resources, and has the endorsement of every governmental and environmental entity in the country.

© 2022 Standard Alternative
Green Benefits of Solar Energy
Solar Energy Solutions • New Jersey
Commercial Solar Panel Installation • Residential Solar Panel Installation • NJ